Children's Rooms
Nurseries and Children's bedrooms are natural
locations for murals in your home. Properly conceived,
designed, and painted, a childs' room mural can enhance
your "little ones'" environment for many years. Murals
can be designed to be as appealing to them years ahead
as they are when completed, lasting into their next
phase of growth. All my murals are completely hand
drawn without the aid of any projection equpiment. In
many cases a childs' room can be given that wow factor
without painting every wall, ceiling, nook and cranny.
Often just a few well placed objects of interest or
vignettes can take that special room to a whole new
level. All consultations are no obligation and allow
you to consider creative options to bring the magical
comfort of hand painted artistry to a special part of
your home. Call for more information or to arrange a
consultation appointment to discuss the possibilities
(508) 523-9665.
Children's Rooms
Nurseries and Children's bedrooms are natural
locations for murals in your home. Properly conceived,
designed, and painted, a childs' room mural can enhance
your "little ones'" environment for many years. Murals
can be designed to be as appealing to them years ahead as
they are when completed, lasting into their next phase of
growth. All my murals are completely hand drawn without
the aid of any projection equpiment. In many cases a
childs' room can be given that wow factor without
painting every wall, ceiling, nook and cranny. Often just
a few well placed objects of interest or vignettes can
take that special room to a whole new level. All
consultations are no obligation and allow you to consider
creative options to bring the magical comfort of hand
painted artistry to a special part of your home. Call for
more information or to arrange a consultation appointment
to discuss the possibilities
(508) 523-9665.